Welcome and I hope you Enjoyed the Extras
Thanks for your interesting in The Sephlem Trials! I created this page to some place to share extra about the series that I can't fit in the books and to share exclusive news! There is so much more coming from this universe where Sephlems exist and true love is something undeniable. Keep an eye out for updates!
With the new release of the Sephlem Trials (PKA A Burdened Novel) there will be bonus content in every book, new book covers, and a bonus release. If you're a fan of A Burdened Novel, I hope you enjoy the bonus/new content in The Sephlem Trials. This series is near and dear to my heart, and I have always wanted nothing more than to have this story to be as enjoyable for you to read as it was for me to live with these characters and their lives. I'm excited to once again share Nathan and Tracey's story with you.
-Love life's Loves, FA